全球最大网赌正规平台 Delivers Strong Second Quarter 2023 Results; Raises Full-Year Guidance

  • 销售增长17%.5% to $2.41 Billion; Freight Segment Sales Growth of 14.6%,过境段销售增长25%.3%
  • 第二季度报告的GAAP每股收益为1美元.06, Up 16.5%; Adjusted Earnings Per Share of $1.41, Up 14.6%
  • Raised Mid-Point of Full-Year Adjusted EPS to Up 16% Year-Over-Year from Up 10%
  • Expanded 矿业 Portfolio With Strategic Acquisition of L&M散热器

匹兹堡,2023年7月27日 全球最大网赌正规平台公司(纽约证券交易所代码:WAB)今天公布了2023年第二季度摊薄每股GAAP收益为1美元.06, up 16.与2022年第二季度相比增长了5%. 调整后每股摊薄收益为1美元.41, up 14.比去年同期增长了6%. 第二季度的销售额为2美元.410亿,上升了17亿.与去年第二季度相比增长了5%, driven by strong sales across the Freight and 交通 segments. The 公司 generated $115 million in operating cash flow during the second quarter 2023.

“全球最大网赌正规平台团队又创造了一个强劲的季度,并继续推动整个投资组合的增长势头,同时实现了两位数的每股收益增长,拉斐尔·桑塔纳说, 全球最大网赌正规平台的总裁兼首席执行官. “我们的基本业务基本面强劲, 再加上我们对执行力的不懈关注, we were able to deliver for 我们的客户 and shareholders. We also leveraged our strong balance sheet by completing the strategic bolt-on acquisition of L&M散热器, while returning over $100 million to shareholders via share buybacks and dividends.

“展望未来, 我们正在建立动力, and the pace of our commercial activity across segments and regions is growing. 与此同时, 我们的订单储备预计将在2023年下半年及以后得到加强. These factors, 等, gives us confidence to raise our full-year 2023 guidance. 我们差异化的产品组合, 扩大全球安装基础, 多年的积压增强了我们的弹性,同时为我们的股东带来了长期的盈利增长.”


  • 销售额增长17%.由于货运和运输部门的销售额增长,与去年同期相比增长了5%.
  • GAAP营业利润率与上年持平,为12%.9% and 调整后营业利润率 was slightly lower than prior year at 16.4%. Both GAAP and 调整后营业利润率s benefited from lower SG&A expense as a percentage of sales and improved fixed cost absorption driven by higher sales, 由部门之间和部门内部的不利混合抵消.
  • GAAP EPS and adjusted EPS increased from the year-ago quarter primarily due to higher sales, 部分被较高的利息支出所抵消.


  • Freight segment sales for the second quarter were up across all major product lines, 组件业务增长强劲, 数码情报及服务.
  • GAAP operating margin and 调整后营业利润率 benefited from lower SG&A expense as a percentage of sales and improved fixed cost absorption, offset by unfavorable mix.


  • 交通 segment sales for the second quarter were up 25.3%由于强劲的OE和售后市场销售.
  • GAAP and 调整后营业利润率s were up as a result of lower SG&费用占销售额和集成的百分比.0储蓄.


The 公司’s multi-year backlog continues to provide strong visibility.  6月30日, 2023, the 12-month backlog was $654 million higher than June 30, 2022.  6月30日, 2023, the multi-year backlog was $796 million lower than June 30, 2022年,不包括外汇兑换, 多年的积压减少了9.65亿美元, 下4.2%.


  • 在第二季度, 运营提供的现金为1.15亿美元,而去年同期为2.63亿美元,主要是由于营运资金增加.
  • 在本季度末, 公司有现金, cash equivalents and restricted cash of $371 million and total debt of $4.390亿年. 6月30日, 2023, the 公司’s total available liquidity was $1.75 billion, which includes cash and cash equivalents plus $1.目前的信贷额度为380亿美元.
  • 在第二季度, the 公司 completed the acquisition of L&以2.23亿美元的价格收购M散热器,回购了7500万美元的股票,并支付了3100万美元的股息.


  • 全球最大网赌正规平台 updated its 2023 financial guidance with sales expected to be in a range of $9.250亿美元到9亿美元.50 billion and adjusted earnings per diluted share to be in a range of $5.50 to $5.80.
  • 2023年全年, 全球最大网赌正规平台预计将产生现金流,运营现金流转化率超过90%.


全球最大网赌正规平台 will host a call with analysts and investors at 8:30 a.m. 等,今天.  要通过网络广播收听,请访问全球最大网赌正规平台的新网站 www.全球最大网赌正规平台Corp.com 点击“事件” & “投资者关系”部分的“演示文稿”.  也, 拨打电话1-877-344-7529或1-412-317-0088(接入代码:7103421),可获得通话的音频回放。.


全球最大网赌正规平台公司(纽约证券交易所代码:WAB)正在为子孙后代彻底改变世界的运动方式. The company is a leading global provider of equipment, 系统, digital solutions and value-added services for the freight and transit rail industries, 还有采矿, 船舶及工业市场. 150多年来,瓦伯泰克一直是铁路行业的领导者,其愿景是在美国实现零排放铁路系统.S. 在世界范围内. 访问全球最大网赌正规平台的网站 dlmnpk.eagle1027.com.

Information about non-GAAP Financial Information and Forward-Looking Statements

全球最大网赌正规平台的收益发布和2023年财务指导提到了某些非公认会计准则财务绩效指标, 包括调整后毛利, 调整后的营业费用, 调整后营业利润率, 息税前利润, 调整后的息税前利润, 调整后的有效税率, 调整后的所得税费用, 调整后营业收入, 调整后的利息和其他费用, adjusted earnings per diluted share and operating cash flow conversion. 由于我们无法合理确定地预测重组相关费用和其他费用的影响和时间,因此全球最大网赌正规平台没有对我们预计的GAAP摊薄每股收益与调整后的摊薄每股收益进行定量调整, including acquisition-related expenses and the outcome of certain regulatory, 法律及税务事宜. The financial impact of these items is uncertain and is dependent on various factors, 包括时间, and could be material to our Consolidated Statements of Earnings. 全球最大网赌正规平台 defines 息税前利润 as earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortization. Adjusted 息税前利润  is further adjusted by restructuring costs. 全球最大网赌正规平台将经营性现金流转换定义为经营活动提供的净现金除以净收入加上折旧和摊销(包括递延债务成本摊销). While 全球最大网赌正规平台 believes these are useful supplemental measures for investors, 它们不是按照公认会计准则提出的. 投资者 should not consider non-GAAP measures in isolation or as a substitute for net income, 经营现金流量, 或其他按照公认会计准则计算的项目. 除了, 本新闻稿中包含的非GAAP财务指标作为业绩指标具有固有的重大限制,因为它们将公司产生的某些费用添加到GAAP财务指标中, 导致这些费用在适用的非公认会计准则财务措施中未被考虑. 因为并非所有公司都使用相同的计算方法, 全球最大网赌正规平台的非公认会计准则财务指标可能无法与其他公司的其他类似指标进行比较.  包括在此发布的调节表,提供有关如何调整的结果与GAAP结果相关的详细信息.

本通讯包含1933年《全球最大网赌正规平台》第27A条中定义的“前瞻性”陈述, 修订的, and Section 21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, 修订的 by the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995, including statements regarding the impact of acquisitions by 全球最大网赌正规平台, statements regarding 全球最大网赌正规平台’s expectations about future sales and earnings, 关于订单管道预期的声明, statements regarding anticipated cash flow generation with operating cash flow conversion, and statements about the impact of evolving global conditions on 全球最大网赌正规平台’s business. 所有的报表, 除了历史事实, including statements regarding synergies and other expected benefits from acquisitions; statements regarding 全球最大网赌正规平台’s plans, 目标, expectations and intentions; and statements regarding macro-economic conditions and evolving production and demand conditions; and any assumptions underlying any of the foregoing, 是前瞻性陈述吗?. 前瞻性陈述涉及未来情况和结果以及其他非历史事实的陈述,有时用“可能”一词来表示,”“会,”“应该,”“潜在,”“意愿,”“希望,”“努力,”“找,”“预测,”“估计,”“高估,”“低估,”“相信,”“可以,”“项目,”“预测,”“继续,“目标”或其他类似的单词或短语. Forward-looking statements are based upon current plans, 受风险影响的估计和期望, 不确定性和假设. Should one or more of these risks or uncertainties materialize, 或者潜在的假设被证明是不正确的, 实际结果可能与此类前瞻性陈述所显示或预期的结果存在重大差异. The inclusion of such statements should not be regarded as a representation that such plans, 估计或期望将被实现. Important factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from such plans, 估计或期望包括, 等, (1) changes in general economic and/or industry specific conditions, 包括税收和关税计划的影响, 通货膨胀, 供应链中断, 外币兑换, and industry consolidation; (2) changes in the financial condition or operating strategies of 全球最大网赌正规平台’s customers; (3) unexpected costs, 因收购而产生的费用或开支,以及可能无法实现收购的协同效应和其他预期利益, including as a result of integrating acquired targets into 全球最大网赌正规平台; (4) inability to retain and hire key personnel; (5) evolving legal, regulatory and tax regimes; (6) changes in the expected timing of projects; (7) a decrease in freight or passenger rail traffic; (8) an increase in manufacturing costs; (9) actions by third parties, including government agencies; (10) the severity and duration of the evolving COVID-19 pandemic and the resulting impact on the global economy and, 特别是, 我们的客户, 供应商及终端市场, (11)潜在的破坏, 不稳定, and volatility in global markets from the imposition of economic sanctions on Russia resulting from the invasion of Ukraine; (12) cybersecurity and data protection risks and (13) other risk factors as detailed from time to time in 全球最大网赌正规平台’s reports filed with the SEC, 包括全球最大网赌正规平台公司的10-K表格年度报告, 按10-Q表格定期提交季度报告, current reports on Form 8-K and other documents filed with the SEC. The foregoing list of important factors is not exclusive. Any forward-looking statements speak only as of the date of this communication. 全球最大网赌正规平台 does not undertake any obligation to update any forward-looking statements, 无论是新信息还是新发展的结果, 未来事件或其他, 除非法律要求. Readers are cautioned not to place undue reliance on any of these forward-looking statements.



蒂姆 (点) 贝德 [at] wabtec (点) com


Kristine Kubacki, CFA
Kristine (点) Kubacki [at] wabtec (点) com